Households and individuals, aspiring to offset their energy needs, are hereby granted the opportunity to invest in the sun by using untapped areas such as roofs of houses and the surrounding areas of their properties, installing photovoltaic systems.
Net – Metering Scheme
• Maximum installed photovoltaic power 3kWp per beneficiary.
• Average annual generation of 5,000 kWh (3kWp PV System), equivalent to € 1,250 compensation in electricity bill, based on existing, consumer installed tariffs, €0.25/kWh, of Electricity Authority Cyprus (EAC).
• EAC grid usage annual fee € 47,23 + VAT per kWp, as a counterpart to the mismatch between energy generation from photovoltaic system and consumption in residential premises.
• Lump sum € 250 + VAT for the installation cost of the smart meter by the EAC.
• Required net area of 25m2for installation on tiled roof (South Oriented) or 45m2 on flat roof (terrace).
5000 PV licenses are available for the year 2014 in three categories of beneficiaries. Only residents of the Republic of Cyprus are eligible for application.
CATEGORY A – Vulnerable (400 licenses)
• Vulnerable groups of the population, recipients of public assistance from social and other services of the Republic of Cyprus.
Subsidy: € 900/installed kWp
CATEGORY B – No income criteria (4500 licenses)
• No criteria, no subsidy.
CATEGORY C – Local Communities (100 licenses)
SUBMISSION OPENING: Monday, 23/06/2014
For more information and free site visit contact us @ t:22-311234, e:[email protected]