Monitoring & Maintenance of PV Systems


Preventive maintenance is the periodic visual and functional inspection which is carried out at regular intervals within a calendar year, to ensure the correct operation of the photovoltaic system and thus the expected return on investment.

The preventive maintenance includes the following:

  1. Periodic inspection based on the standard EN-62446: 2009
  2. Continuous monitoring of the operation of the Photovoltaic system through online setup
  3. Cleaning Photovoltaic panels with deionized water.
  4. Cleaning of the equipment
  5. Spraying and deforestation
  6. Mechanical Inspection of the PV structure system and lubrication of movable parts (if any)
  7. Thermography of Photovoltaic system (solar panels and electrical equipment)
  8. Management of the equipment guarantees

The Corrective maintenance aims to fix failures / errors and restore the proper functioning of the Photovoltaic Solar System.

It includes repair and/or replacement of the defective equipment.

Diagnostic Inspection is the process through which operational and visual inspection of the PV plant is carried out and aims to detect possible errors and failures in the operation, and defects in the method of installation of the photovoltaic system. The completion of such inspection and its findings are summarized in a report stating ways to restore the proper functioning of the system.

  1. Avoid Business interruption and any consequential loss from the Photovoltaic investment.
  2. Reduce the possibility of accidents. (fire, electric shock, etc.)
  3. Direct diagnosis of damage/ dysfunction and quick restoration.
  4. Reduce the possibility of technical problems of the equipment.
  5. Slow down the aging of the equipment.
  6. Compliance with the terms and conditions of manufacturers guarantees, for the replacement or repair of installed equipment that is under warranty.
  7. Export of useful conclusions and creation of provisions for the operation of the PV station, through processing of historical periodical reports of production and maintenance.
  8. Reduction of investor engagement time.
  9. Ensure proper operation of the PV system, aiming higher financial returns on investment or avoiding non-performing loans.
  10. Maintenance and Repair Archive of the PV system